Wednesday, January 23, 2013

After An Extended Break..

Long time no posts, everyone!
Wow has it been a long time - and a busy year at that!  I've FINALLY gotten back in the swing of updating after what has been a hectic but very good year for the Baslers.  Since the last time I wrote Tanner and I have moved, gotten married and even acquired our newest Basler baby, Scout.  We spent the summer of 2012 getting married, taking a phenominal honeymoon trip out west, spending time with both of our families, and of course enjoying watching Landon grow older.  The fall brought us even busier schedules & the winter has been just the same.  So thank you for bearing with our long break!
Landon has been absolutely wonderful this year.  From taking his first steps (which has now become running & jumping, among other things!) to the start of the dreaded potty training, Landon has grown into a very happy, energetic & curious little toddler.  He's mastered many words and is working on stringing them together into few word sentences.  He also waves & says goodbye, knows how to put his shoes on & take them off, can let us know with words when he's hungry or needs a diaper change, and even tells us what TV show he wants to watch (always a toss up between Spongebob & Elmo).  Landon loves to dance, wrestle, hop, throw & kick a ball, and his ultimate favorite - watch football!  No joke, everytime he even sees the Packers logo he starts chanting "Football! Football! Football!" and will sit and watch the entire game with us, cheering "Go! Go! Go!" when the players are running around the field.  So adorable!
Although he has been great to us, of course we still have encountered the usual "terrible two" habits as well.  Landon has discovered the words no & mine and we are working on his sharing, since he REALLY doesn't enjoy sharing his toys.  While this is a normal process for toddlers to go through, we have started bringing him to Miss Mary's house 3 times a week instead of 2 so that he is getting more time with youngsters his own age, which has helped a lot with his sharing & manners.  Although I didn't want to sacrifice my one full day a week that I got at home with him, I knew it was for the best when it came to his social skills.  He has also grown much more patient & understanding when given a small scolding and explanation as to why he isn't given his way all of the time.  Aside from Mary's house, Landon also gets to enjoy one day a week with his Nani (my grandmother), and another day with his grandma Jackie.  He enjoys those days just as much because he gets 110% of the attention, which is also nice because it helps him to be more expressive knowing he's the star of the show for the day.  Plus I mean come on, who doesn't love getting spoiled by their grandmas now and then - I know I still do :)
As far as things lately, we are taking our new lives together day by day as not only parents, but newlyweds as well.  I am very fortunate to be taking this life journey with Tanner by my side - he is a phenominal father, husband & best friend and I don't think I'd get through all of the ups and downs without him.  We are going to be starting the hunt for a new rental home yet again come May/June of this year, which we are excited about.  We enjoy the home we have now, but it is just too big for us to really maintain to our liking.  We hope to find one in Neenah as to stay close to family & friends, and because it truly is a great place to raise a family.  We have also been asked countless times as to when we're planning a brother or sister for Landon and our answer is simple - you'll know when we know :)  We do fully intend on expanding our family one more time, but are planning to wait until we get Landon potty trained and we are settled into our new home.  So although that means a bit more waiting, just know that it is in our future.  As for now, we are planning Landon's 2nd birthday party which is coming up in only TWO WEEKS.  Crazy right?!  Where DOES the time go?  Tonight we will be going to dinner with my family for my brother Josey's birthday dinner.  This weekend Landon will be sleeping over with Nani on Friday night so that Tanner and I can spend time with friends celebrating his 23rd birthday.  Then the rest of the weekend will be quiet family time just us, Landon & our two furry baby girls :)
Well I think that about covers the update!  From now on I'll be able to keep you up to date on our more day to day life rather than such a broad overview.  We hope all of you & your families are well, and hope you all take care!  Below are some photos that are from the summer/fall of 2012.  Hope you enjoy - talk soon :)
The Baslers :)

Landon hanging out with our friends while Tanner & I got pictures taken at our wedding :)

On our way up north for 4th of July weekend

I see YOU!

Playing in his pool in Townsend during 4th of July weekend

More pool time!

He LOVES gramps' new "toy" :)

Camping with Nana and Gramps, end of July

Hanging out with his new cousin Braxton :)

Lazy boy waiting for the fireworks to start at the park in Townsend 

Watching fireworks with Nani :)

Lounging with the dogs watching the Badger game

Cool dude! On our way to Menominee Park in Oshkosh for a fun summer day :)

Toe socks! Hehe :)

Looking at the chickens @ Menominee Park zoo

Walking around Menominee Park Zoo with dad :)

Hanging out @ a cookout with some of our friends

Rockin' out to uncle Garrett's phone :)

Hanging out at home

Watching the Packers with great-grandpa Russ in Wild Rose

Snuggling/kisses with Scout

Lounge day with the pups
Landon and Scout hiding from Lola :)

This is the face he made when I said, "Cheese!"

Bundled up for fall in Townsend
Riding around on his new John Deere tractor at home :)
Watching the Packer game with dad @ Nana and Gramps' house

We took him to see Sesame Street Live in Green Bay this past November

He wouldn't let go of that Elmo balloon all night!

Tired from a long day of playing :)

Lounging at Nana and Gramps' around Christmas time :)
Playing with his new toys he got from St. Nick
Riding trikes with Uncle Mikk hehe :)
We went to have a playday at Nana's and she already had his fort set up! :)

NOT happy about his first haircut!

Still not happy about it :(

But then we had naughty dessert at Nana's after so he wasn't so mad :)

 Cutie wearing dad's hat :)