Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A Belated Happy Easter :)

Hey guys!

So we had quite an eventful Easter weekend on our end! Hope all of you had an equally good time with family and friends.  We started off the weekend with Landon's first meeting of the Easter bunny :)  He didn't cry, so hopefully that's a good sign of years to come.  Saturday was spent at a surprise 50th wedding anniversary for Tanner's grandparents on the Basler side, followed by a cookout and watching the Brewer game at my parents' house.  Landon spent half of Sunday going to church and Bob's family's get together Sunday afternoon.  We all got together with Tanner's mom's family Sunday afternoon - Landon was a little tuckered out, but definitely enjoyed his weekend with his family :)  He even got to meet his great aunt Julie, since she flew in for a few days from Arizona.  All in all it was a good weekend filled with family and good times, as always ;)

Tomorrow (Wednesday) night I plan to try Landon out in his own room for the first time.  It's been a difficult transition for me, being that 5 feet away feels like 5 miles.  Call me a sap, but I love dozing in and out of sleep listening to his coos and breaths throughout the night.  Which, by the way, he is still sleeping through the night anywhere from 8-10 hours - we definitely consider ourselves lucky!  I'm looking forward to the milestones soon to come now that we're entering Landon's 3rd month of being our beautiful baby boy :)

Alright, that's all I'll ramble about for now.  Enjoy the new pictures and we hope everyone is having a wonderful start to their spring!

Landon lounging in the new swing Great Grandma and Grandpa Nugent bought for him :)

First meeting with the Easter bunny :)

He had mixed feelings about the bunny

Twins with Grandpa Bob :)

Landon with Grandma Jackie and Grandpa Bob

Landon and Auntie Carly

Grandpa Lincoln, Tanner and Landon

Grandpa Lincoln, Tanner, Uncle Garrett and Landon

Grandpa Lincoln, Grandma Jodi, Tanner, Uncle Garrett and Landon

5 Generations of Baslers

The Whole Basler clan :) 

Great Grandma and Grandpa with Landon :)

Landon letting out a few cries for Grandpa Lincoln

Dressed in his Sunday best for Easter :)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Back from Minnesota.

Hey everyone!  Just thought I'd throw another update your way, seeing as Landon and I just got back from his first weekend out of state.  We went to Minnesota, along with my mom and cousin, to visit our grandma.  All in all it was a fun time, and Landon was an excellent little traveler!  But I won't babble too much, and just get straight to the pictures :)

Great-Grandpa George with Landon

Grandma, Great Grandpa and Landon

Four Generations

Tummy Time!

Grandma helping Landon to roll over :)

Sweet Potato time

Hanging out with Auntie Ali

Great Grandma Sue with Landon