Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Two Months Gone By.

So I've been slacking on this again, I know, but it is hectic being a new mommy!  Landon is doing wonderful - growing like a weed!  He has his 2 month check up next Tuesday, where he'll receive his first round of immunizations and we'll find out his new weight and height. Tanner and I weighed him at home yesterday and he is about 15 lbs at only 9 weeks old! I also have started to give him solid foods already, since formula alone just wasn't cutting it for such a growing boy.  He loves pears and squash the best, but has yet to accept peas as a desirable taste (I can't say I blame him).  Landon also went on his first trip to Townsend, WI last weekend, where my family  has a cabin.  He loved playing with Grandma and Grandpa and going out to eat in Lakewood.  Soon enough he'll be flying around the woods on his dirt bike that Gramps already bought him - I can't say I'm looking forward to the bruises sure to come.

This past weekend Landon got to spend some time with his Aunties Heather and Jeanie for a few hours before his Grandma Jackie picked him up for a night at their place.  Tanner and I got a little vacation away to Milwaukee with my parents for dinner and a Robert Plant concert.  Although I missed him like crazy, I will admit it was excellent getting a break to unwind and have some fun with adults :)  Next weekend Landon will be with me on his first out of state trip to Minnesota, along with Grandma and his Auntie Ali, to visit his great grandparents for a long weekend.  Hopefully the 5 hour car ride goes okay!

I apologize about the quality of the (much anticipated) photos I'm posting, but they were from disposable cameras I had left around the house.  Unfortunately for me, my other baby (Lola of course) decided my camera would make for a good chew toy while I wasn't looking, so I am going to hopefully get a replacement today in order to stay on top of these updates.  Until then, I hope all is well with all of you reading this :) 

Much Love <3

BATH TIME! :) - which he LOVES by the way!

Buddha belly!

My favorite part of bath time - the wrap up :)

Making faces with Gramps :)

Dancing with Grandma

Mommy being dorky with Landon

Mommy and her little prince :)

Setting Landon on his new chair Gramps got for him, which now sits right next to his.

Out for the count - napping at Grandma's

Eating some squash for lunch, mmm!

Hanging around the house

Big Smiles! :)

Tummy time with Mommy

Peek-A-Boo :)

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